Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Time Well Spent

So, I have been thinking about what kind of man I want to become. I claim to follow Christ. I intend to obey Him. Now, what to do with these claims:

We tend turn into that which we pretend to be.

This is an elementary principle of humanity. Whoever or whatever you spend most of your time with, you will inherit a growing resemblance to that person or thing. For instance, if you spend most of your time watching television, you will become entertainment-driven and accepting of most of the nonsense that modern society says and promises. If you spend most of your time with people who laugh at followers of Christ and mock the Church, you will begin to do the same. We can be accepting of these imitations, but why not so when it comes to being a disciple of Christ? Only by spending time with godly men and studying truth, will you yourself become a godly man and a man who navigates with truth.

So, the only question here is: 'what will I spend my time doing and who will I spend my time with?' These choices directly determine who you will be, as the end result. The question isn't: 'how can I still claim to follow God, but invest no time in studying His Word or imitating my life after godly men?' It does not work that way. We are imitative creatures. This is how we are built.

1 comment:

tiffanywithaT said...

it reminds me of this quote from fahrenheit 451. Faber: "...but rememer that the Captain belongs to the most dangerous enemy to truth and freedom, the solid unmoving cattle of the majority.... the terrible tyranny of the majority..."

It's so true! and so dangerous.